Vital Trace new website news article

NEWS: March 28, 2023

New look, new website!

To continue our efforts to develop and innovate, and inspired by our recent brand refresh, we embarked upon updating our website. Our products and services have continued to evolve, and we wanted a site that would be easy to navigate and clearly shows what Vital Trace can offer. Our new site now includes further product details with the ability to download data sheets with more information and specifications. Keen to keep our customers and visitors up-to-date, we now have a case studies and news section so that you can learn about our success stories and find out the latest Vital Trace news and insights. Shaune Pates, Sales Director for Vital Trace commented, “The company started off from humble beginnings with a limited public presence, but as our product portfolio has grown and business has expanded, now is the time for an extensive overhaul of our online presence and in particular our website.”